Subject: Re: Any spare Qbus cdrom cards for an RRD42 drive around?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/20/2000 12:28:57
>> As to scsi tapes like the Cipher 9 track decks with single-ended
>> scsi, why or why not could they also not be hung off the disk scsi
>> bus?
> It depends on the SCSI adaptor. I expect that the Q-Bus SCSI adaptor
> emulates a MSCP adaptor. [...TMSCP...SCSI tapes...]
Does anyone know of a "native" Q-bus SCSI interface, ie, one that
doesn't hide its SCSIness? It wouldn't be bootable without replacing
all the ROM code, but it would still be useful nonetheless (at least to
retrocomputing geeks like us :-).
If not, has anyone considered making one? The Q-bus is simple enough
to interface to with discrete logic, and surely there's some SCSI chip
that could do the interfacing. (Heck, you can almost do SCSI out a
parallel port, with appropriate software hackery - though I shudder to
think what it would do to throughput. Still, it could be better than
NFS over a DEQNA.)
der Mouse
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