Subject: Re: Any spare Qbus cdrom cards for an RRD42 drive around?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Brian Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/20/2000 14:17:32
On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, der Mouse wrote:

> Does anyone know of a "native" Q-bus SCSI interface, ie, one that
> doesn't hide its SCSIness?  It wouldn't be bootable without replacing
> all the ROM code, but it would still be useful nonetheless (at least
> to retrocomputing geeks like us :-).
> If not, has anyone considered making one?  The Q-bus is simple enough
> to interface to with discrete logic, and surely there's some SCSI chip
> that could do the interfacing.  (Heck, you can almost do SCSI out a
> parallel port, with appropriate software hackery - though I shudder to
> think what it would do to throughput.  Still, it could be better than
> NFS over a DEQNA.)

There is a guy in the Ukraine who's designed a Q-bus based PIO mode IDE
controller. I'd asked him sometime last
year about the possibility of paying him for an example board or two, but
he wasn't willing (or maybe able?) to build more of them.  I think some of
the parts were kind of unusual or hard to come buy.

Perhaps someone with a little more electrical/computer engineering
knowledge could redesign the boards with more comonplace components.

I don't know of any projects to make native SCSI controllers.  As long as
we're talking wishlist stuff here... How about a DMA based IDE controller?
Or maybe a Q-bus USB controller.  Or how about a Q-bus to PCMCIA bus
bridge card?

Some of this has been discussed on this list before.  So far, I don't
think anyone's been able to come up with a way to do this cheaply.  I
think the Q-bus/PCMCIA bridge is good idea given that it opens a whole
world of useful and modern controllers for use in the VAX, but I imagine
that's a pretty non-trivial task.

--- Brian Chase | | -----
   You can't FLING fun or SLAP fun or even MASSAGE FUN INTO someone,
                       but you can POKE fun.  -- K.