Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.5 on uVAX II (Questions)
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/27/2000 11:58:53
> > If I'm not terribly mistaken, it should not be very difficult to use
> > the 1.5 boot script setup to (re)generate a single-file/single-pass
> > boot script.
> Yes, but would the result be significantly more efficient than the
> split-up boot scripts?  When this was discussed back when the split-up
> happened, the only monolithic boot script option was, loosely speaking,
> "cat `rcorder` > /etc/rc".  Has it been improved?
> > I would recommend going down this path instead of downgrading to the
> > 1.4.x boot scripts.
> It would be interesting to try a 1.5 monolithic boot script, but I
> would definitely recommend upgrading to the 1.4.x boot scripts.
> The original poster, of course, will have to make hir own choices.

Well, as the original poster, my thoughts were fundamentally to speed
along the 1.0VUP and down boxes, typified by my usual sort of slow MVII
critter.  Pulling some bits out of /etc/netstart, and reducing the
ifconfiggy pudding down to a one-liner ``ifconfig qe0 inet mv2'' kind
of thing sped up the booting by maybe 15 seconds or so.  For the sake
of disussing and resolving some minimalist issues on things like the
MVII critters, how far can things be minimized, or could a single-pass
mini script be alternated out of the top of the big 1.5 rc suite, so
as to keep things trim on the lesser machines?  If something like
that were done, then if the boot sensed a slow machine like an MVII,
the operator could set a flag in the original rc callup that would
trigger using the mini scripts.  On biggie boxes, then, the full
script set could be used.

More thinking out loud.....
