Subject: Re: Converting Dilog SQ703 to 706
To: Ben <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/13/2001 20:25:20
I have a very bad copy of some relevant pages from the 706A manual (which
is what yours now is presumably)
You can create a 'virtual' terminal connection from the console prompt as
>>> D/P/L 20088004 80000001
>>> D/P/W 20001f40 20
>>> d/p/w <addr> 3FFF
>>> S 200
What this does is create a I/O mapping, then enable it, the tell the
controller to load the monitor program into memory, and then execute the
The <addr> field is the address of the SA register on the controller.
I'm guessing it is one of:
(depending on if the controller was last configured as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc. If it is showing up as the first one then the 2000146a address should
be correct.
When you type S 200 the formatter diagnostics should start.
At 01:54 PM 1/13/01 -0800, Ben wrote:
>Chuck sent me the binary for the eprom of the SQ706 yesterday. I
>programmed an EPROM and put that into my 703. "show device" shows the
>703 as a UQSSP disk controller! Eureka!
>My problem now is that I am not able to connect the console to the 703
>via the 10pin connector.
>Pressing CTRL-BRK does not help.
>Can anyone tell me how to switch into configuration mode for the 703
>(now 706)?