Subject: Re: KDA50?
To: None <>
From: Tom Parker <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/06/2001 17:37:34
Johnny Billquist <> wrote:
>> Is there a more useful search engine that altavista with a "host:" keyword?
>First hit I got when searching for "kda-50" on AltaVista was:
>which will give you the answer...
That is embarrasing... I never thought to search for kda-50, only kda50...
Unfortunatly it STILL doesn't work :-/ I'm assuming that the KDA50 with
nothing plugged into it will still be detected by the kernel?
Also, I'm assuming that "off" means you set the dip switch to "open", but it
isn't that obvious if open is when you push down on the open side of the
rocker or the closed... I'm guessing it is when you push on the open side. I
tried both, with the same results.
Thank you very much to everyone that has helped me. I think I may take a rest
from the vax for a while, and try again in a few weeks when I have less to do.
Tom Parker -