Subject: Re: bootblocks for scsi & VAX4000
To: port-vax <>
From: BrownM03 <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/19/2001 20:57:37
> I'm not sure if I've got this sorted in my head yet ....
> but this is what I'm doing and how I'm doing it :
> I've netbooted marvin (swap doesn't work yet ...
> few misc. errors during startup). I can login,
> manipulate files & dirs, even run tar !
> (WOW ... impressive ... the hdd in the dx40 can't keep up:)
> I've got the external syquest drive connected,
> and I can mount/umount it, format it ... the whole thing.
> But...I can't seem to boot from it.
> (and this is the bit where my understanding is a bit ... flaky:)
> To make this work, I gather that I need to do the following:
> 1. newfs sd0   (geometry & partition info is in /etc/disktab right?)
> 2. unpack all the current tarballs to /mnt/syquest
> 3. modify the necessary /etc/* config files.
> 4. copy my new kernel (4000-100) to /mnt/syquest
> 5. copy /usr/mdec/boot to /mnt/syquest/boot  (size is 60/70K)
> 6. umount /mnt/syquest
> 7. disklabel -B sdo -b /usr/mdec/sdboot

oops make that sd0

> Have I got the right idea?
> If I have, then I guess that I haven't got the correct bootblocks.
> My guess is the only way I'm going to be able to make them is
> to get the compiler running!  (I don't know much about that either)

ie. it's not working now   ... at least a make fails when I'm trying to
compile something

> Any suggestions?
> Marcus.