Subject: DSSI <--> SCSI
To: None <>
From: John Maier <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/03/2001 13:13:20
Many years ago, more than I wish to admit, during a Decus meeting (back when
membership was free) the issue of converting DSSI controllers to SCSI controllers
was raised.
The DEC rep said the Digital either was planning the release or had an "upgrade"
that could convert a DSSI controller to SCSI, since the two are VERY similar
buses electrically, and signal wise.
It seems that DSSI was one of DEC many "improvements" on existing/emerging
technologies that ended up being slightly incompatable with the industy and with
only DEC supporting...
Does anyone know what ever became of this? I no vested interest either way, but
only wish to fill in a memory gap (of which I have many :-)
Though this info could be of great interest to existing DSSI owners who would
like a bigger HD.
Now mind you, often DEC's definition of an upgrade was you pay us X amount and
they'ld swap the entire board, but I got the impression this was more of a chip
swap on the DSSI board.
John Maier - Administrator
Midamerica Internet Services
ICQ# 38643380
/ Never discount the abilities of \
/ ignorant hackers in large numbers.\