Subject: RE: VAX kernel build goof up....
To: 'Lord Isildur' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/30/2001 11:49:06
	Cool. Thanks for the helpful info. I'll give it a whack today. So,
all I need is...
options         "VAX410"        # VS 2000
options         "VAX43"         # VS 3100/76
...or is it just "VAX410" that I need? Either way, having both is not a big
deal either...

---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Lord Isildur []
-> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 11:21 AM
-> To: Matej Kubik
-> Cc: David Woyciesjes;
-> Subject: Re: VAX kernel build goof up....
-> VAX410 is the one you needed. There is for some reason a 
-> dependence for
-> KA420 support on the KA410 (uV2k) code. your 3100/38 is a 
-> CVAX machine 
-> but it has some similarities to the 410 and some code is 
-> shared. you can 
-> safely remove all the vax 4000 entries in your config file. 
-> happy hacking!
-> isildur
-> On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Matej Kubik wrote:
-> > David Woyciesjes wrote:
-> > >         Hello gents. This may be a simple fix, but it 
-> escapes me. I've got a
-> > > VAXstation 3100 M38, 16MB RAM (wishing I could find 
-> more!), and NetBSD1.5.
-> > > In trying to rebuild the kernel, I grabbed comp.tgz, 
-> gnu.tgz, src.tgz and
-> > 
-> > I had similar problems with VAXStation 3100/m76. Solved by 
-> adding more
-> > `options "KAxxx"' lines into kernel config. I don't know 
-> which must be
-> > there, but I can boot with following ones:
-> > options         "VAX410"        # VS 2000
-> > options         "VAX43"         # VS 3100/76
-> > options         "VAX46"         # VS 4000/60
-> > options         "VAX48"         # VS 4000 VLC
-> > options         "VAX49"         # VS 4000/90
-> > It's propably more than needed, but compiling kernel takes 
-> about 3.5
-> > hours :-)
-> > 
-> > FYI I also attached kernel config (MEDEAD) and dmesg.boot
-> > 
-> > Matej Kubik