Subject: Re: How do I get VMS (ducking now)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/13/2001 02:19:16
>>> beyond 1.073GB
>> How...bizarre.  What on earth produces that limit?
> Same thing.  6-byte SCSI command blocks.

> The definition of "GB" is somewhat variable from place to place.

As far as I can tell, everyone uses powers of two, except disk
manufacturers who like to make their products sound bigger than they

I've often wondered why they haven't been hauled up for fraud; ads have
even taken to including notes like "based on 1GB = 1 billion bytes",
which has always said to me "we know we're being misleading, we're
doing it deliberately, and we intend to keep on doing it".  Which sure
sounds like fraud to me.  (Heck, why not base it on 1GB = 950 million
bytes instead, and get even bigger-sounding numbers?)

I wonder how a disk manufacturer would take to ordering a 128MB SIMM
and getting something that holds only 128,000,000 bytes.  Kinda makes
me wish I owned a memory manufacturer.

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