Subject: VAXstation 4000/60 memory?
To: None <>
From: Gordon C. Zaft <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/24/2001 12:09:08
	I did a search on the archives and got some conflicting answers.  Now that 
I've successfully landed a 4000/60 on Ebay for $11 de realme (as NetBSD Bob 
would say ;-)) I'm going to want more memory since it only has 16 MB (2 8 
MB SIMMs, it says).

	a) I thought this thing had 8 MB on the mobo?

	b) any chance I can use either some relatively standard memory or some 
other memory I already have (DS 5000/125 memory or SIMMs from my decrepit 
Alpha 3000/300)?



Gordon Zaft