Subject: Re: R400X SCSI CONN
To: Brian Hechinger <>
From: Chuck McManis <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/10/2001 12:28:46
At 12:50 PM 7/10/01 -0400, Brian Hechinger wrote:
>i pulled my R400X into the house since i've got enough DSSI disks that i need
>it.  it's got an M7493-PA R400X SCSI CONN.  what is this thing?  can i use
>this took hook up to a box with SCSI (say a 3100 or a sparc or something) and
>use DSSI disks on a SCSI box?  that would be cool.

I don't think so. The R400X could have SCSI or DSSI drives in it, there was 
simply a different mounting "box" (I've got one if someone needs one :-) 
The 400X then had both a DSSI plug and a SCSI plug on the side where you 
wired into it and you used the one that was appropriate and put a big red 
cover on the other one.

I've got a lead on a CMD DSSI to SCSI converter, this is a box that talks 
DSSI on one side and can talk to SCSI disks on the other side.
