Subject: Re: 4000/90 and ssh2
To: None <>
From: M J Dowden <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/19/2001 12:47:33
At 6:36 PM +0100 11/19/01, Michael Kukat wrote:
>It's not VAX-related, this is the fact on every platforms i think, even on
>fast <censored> machines. It is just the initial handshake stuff, the
>connection works fast then. (Even hardcore tunneling like NFS via tun-device
>and the vtun program :)
I posted something to the port-vax list about this a few weeks
ago. The slowness is worst in the initial connection phase, but is
still a factor in the subsequent connection. ssh2 under NetBSD 1.5
was fine. After I upgraded to NetBSD 1.51, I found ssh2 to be
EXTREMELY slow (over 2 minutes to make a new, outgoing ssh
connection). However, regular ssh (that is, ssh1) seems to be
unchanged, so I have switched back to that.
M J Dowden <>
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