Subject: Dilog DQ614 - Third Chapter
To: , <>
From: SP <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/06/2002 22:32:08
Hello. About the probes with the DILOG DQ614 over one PDP-11/23 PLUS
with one MFM hard disk using the diagnostics program for these board,
I have some matters to speak about:

* Somebody spoke about a possible modification of the U55 chip.
  I have the reference of the chip mounted. It's the 55U-91358.
  In fact, the order number of some chips of the board is:


  The question is: Could be used some XXDP diagnostic to determine
  the possible problem of the board that I told in my previous message
  about it ?

* I want to use another hard disk, one IBM MFM full height of 44 Mb.
  Is one Type 31 (for the IBM PC) disk. Somebody has the complete
  geometry of it ? I don't have it actually available in the BIOS of my PCs,
  but I suppose that one 486 or 386 could have it.

Thanks and Greetings
