Subject: Re: I *must* be doing something really wrong, stupid, or
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: Matthew Sell <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/29/2002 01:05:26
I don't think you understood what I was saying......
When I instruct the VAX to boot with:
"b/100 esa0"
It will prompt me to enter a "bootfile". I then enter (as an
example) "netbsd". Watching the MOPD log, I can see that the VAX requests
"NETBSD.SYS", to which MOPD responds "(yes)". And the file is transferred
to the VAX. I can see that by watching network activity between the two
ports. At that point, MOPD logs "Load Completed".
Here is the log from MOPD, when I instruct the VAX to grab the "netbsd"
Jan 29 00:48:42 samba1 mopd[3048]: 8:0:2b:1e:a5:39 (2) Do you have NETBSD?
Jan 29 00:48:42 samba1 mopd[3048]: 8:0:2b:1e:a5:39 (2) Do you have NETBSD?
Jan 29 00:48:42 samba1 mopd[3048]: 8:0:2b:1e:a5:39 Send me NETBSD
Jan 29 00:48:42 samba1 mopd[3048]: 8:0:2b:1e:a5:39 Send me NETBSD
Jan 29 00:48:48 samba1 mopd[3048]: hostname: [ipc] len: 3
Jan 29 00:48:48 samba1 mopd[3048]: 8:0:2b:1e:a5:39 Load completed
The kernel (or bootloader?) doesn't even request an address from DHCP.....
My question - Is the image being transferred the kernel - or just a
bootloader? I haven't found this distinction being made clear in any of the
documentation I have found. If so - that may explain the situation a bit
more clearly.
What would be the next attempt of the bootloader - if that is what is being
transferred? Grab an address?
If this is just a bootloader - then my gut instinct is that the "hostname:
[ipc] len: 3" is indicating a problem.... No hostname? One was set for it
in DHCP.
Thanks for your insight.
- Matt
At 10:44 PM 1/28/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>At 12:29 AM 1/29/02 -0600, you wrote:
> > Nope. I'm getting the correct kernel. I didn't do symlinks. Too much
> trouble when trying multiple > kernels. I just do a "boot/100" and
> specify what kernel image I want. I've been checking the MOPD > logs to
> make sure that I'm getting the correct one.
>Then that is your problem. You specify the boot loader to MOP, not the
>kernel. The bootloader will then make a DHCP request so that it can
>configure the IP address, NFS server host, etc. Then it will use NFS to
>load the kernel from the root file system on its server.
>When it is working you should see a message announcing that the boot
>loader has started and that its going off to look for a kernel for you.
Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066
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