Subject: Re: uVAX II + KFQSA + DSSI Drive and the last touch?
To: Gunther Schadow <>
From: Chuck Dickman <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/17/2002 09:05:30
Gunther Schadow wrote:
> IDE, MFM, TK70, etc. drives have. Luckily I could find a
> connector in my nick-nack box but I don't know if I have
Lucky, I tack soldered a PC style 4pin connector to the board.
> rd bl bl or/yl
> | | | |
> | | | | |
> | | | | |
> ||||||||||||DSSI||||||||||||| wt rd bl bl or
I have the wt jumpered to rd. The signal is power OK, I believe.
Drives will spin up and go through a lot of startup activity.
> Thanks,
> -Gunther