Subject: Re: DSSI support for NetBSD: request for docs.
To: Jochen Kunz <>
From: Gunther Schadow <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/27/2002 09:38:25
> Johnny Billquist wrote:
>>:-) I have a bunch of UDA50, both for my PDP-11s, and for the 8650.

Johnny, were you suggesting you have a *spare* one among them?

>>However, the Ultrix driver is a beautiful beast. When you declare an MSCP
>>disk, you don't say where it's located. You just say:
>>disk ra<x> at mscp drive <y>
>>Controllers are declared as:
>>controller uda0 at uba0
>>controller uq0 at uda0
>>controller hsc0 at ci0
>>And then the disks can be either at hsc0 or uq0, and you can move them
>>without problems.
>>DSSI is yet another, and so on...

Jochen Kunz wrote:

> This is also true for NetBSD. From my knowledge the shebang should
> be build like this:
> mainbus0 at root
> ibus0 at mainbus0
> shac0 at ibus0
> sii0 at ibus0
> dssibus* at shac?
> dssibus* at sii?
> scs* at dssibus?
> mscpbus* at scs?

If I'm not mistaken the whole idea stems from BSD anyway (just as
the whole Ultrix does.) In 386/BSD and early FreeBSD the config(8)
syntax distinguished controller from device. Here this is from
GENERIC.allvax of 4.3 BSD:

controller      mba0    at nexus ?
controller      mba1    at nexus ?
disk            hp0     at mba? drive 0
disk            hp1     at mba? drive ?
master          ht0     at mba? drive ?
tape            tu0     at ht0 slave 0
tape            tu1     at ht0 slave 1
master          mt0     at mba? drive ?
tape            mu0     at mt0 slave 0
tape            mu1     at mt0 slave 1

controller      uba0    at nexus ?
controller      uba1    at nexus ?
controller      uda0    at uba? csr 0172150             vector udaintr
disk            ra0     at uda0 drive 0
disk            ra1     at uda0 drive 1

controller      bi0     at nexus ?
controller      kdb0    at bi0  csr 0                   vector kdbintr
disk            kra0    at kdb0 drive 0
disk            kra1    at kdb0 drive 1
disk            kra2    at kdb0 drive 2
disk            kra3    at kdb0 drive 3

So, just want the record to be straight, the beautiful design most

probably comes from Berkeley. I do admit though that they don't
seem to have a separate mscp controller, which I though Ultrix had,
but again, I should be looking before talking ...


Gunther Schadow, M.D., Ph.D.          
Medical Information Scientist      Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
Adjunct Assistant Professor        Indiana University School of Medicine