Subject: Re: NetBSD with 4mb ram (or on MVII?)
To: Lord Isildur <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/29/2002 23:07:00
On 2002.05.29 21:16 Lord Isildur wrote:
[vax 4000/600, running tahoe]
> I got it stable, but i never did fix some problems with probing the
> q-bus. The result is that booting is not very smooth. I never got the
> time to fix it properly, and i decided that when i do , i'll be
> concentrating on fixing it in reno
Hmmm. Reno. I tried to get it on a MV3800 with KFQSA and RF72 once. I
had to label the disk with NetBSD to get Reno to recognize it and I
never got the bootblocks to boot from it. So I used a RD53 for booting
and /.
Argl. I really need the doc for that 5.25" 1GB SMD Seagate disk.
Together with my QD33 it will be a really nice storage system for the
MV3800 and Reno...
Hmmm. Hmm. Hmmmm??? I think I will leave Tahoe on the MV III and use the
4k400 for NetBSD.