Subject: Re: [OT] Any sources for PDP-11 spares?
To: Chris Wareham <>
From: Zane H. Healy <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/11/2002 08:49:34
>If the sticker says 11C23 then it's most likely a 11/23, yes.
The only way to tell for sure though is to check the number on the handle
of the CPU board. Just because the chassis started out as a /23 doesn't
mean it's a /23 (after all my PDP-11/73 says on the chassis it's a MicroVAX
Once you have the number from the handle, check the following list. You can also use the list
to identify the rest of your boards.
>> would it be worth me subscribing to the port-pdp10 list, or are the
>> PDP-10 and 11 radically different (apart from in size)?
What is port-pdp10? Is there an attempt to port NetBSD to the PDP-10?
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
| | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |