Subject: Re: VAX ISO CD's bootable?
To: None <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/14/2002 18:02:00
On June 14, Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> Unless Toast knows how to write a VAX bootstrap to the CD, you are out
> of luck. I don't know of any CD burning software that would even know
> what a VAX is, much less be able to include the VAX bootstrap..
Telling Toast to write a raw disk image to the CDROM should work
fine. I've been doing that with bootable Ultrix CDROMs (both VAX and
pmax) for years. As long as the disk image contains a usable VAX
bootstrap, all should be well.
Dave McGuire "*BURRRP!* Mmm...tastes like cannoli,
St. Petersburg, FL smells like garlic!" -Sridhar