Subject: Re: GCC to retire VAX support!?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/18/2002 13:32:44
>> i'm getting quite pissed off at GCC these days as i try and port
>> more and more software to commercial compilers.
> Well, you should be upset at the people who wrote the software which
> uses the GCC extensions, not at GCC for providing them.
Or more precisely at people who write in gcc and call it C. I don't
see anything wrong with "this package is written in gcc" any more than
"this package is written in perl" or "this package is written in
Python". In each case you need an implementation of the language in
Of course, the gcc-vs-C case is particularly annoying because the
languages are similar enough that there's a lot of confusion between
the two. However, gcc is a much more useful language than C in many
respects, enough so that I write in gcc and make no apology for it.
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