Subject: RE: Install 1.6 iso on a VS3100/38
To: 'Jochen Kunz' <>
From: Lehle Wolf <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/11/2002 07:43:23
Hi Jochen,
I booted from the HD as you suggested; mounted the CDROM, but pax responded with strange
messages. Probably because the HD was readonly.
My first try:
pax -zrvpe -f /mnt/vax/binary/sets/games.tgz
pax: could not exec: No such file or directory
pax: End of volume 1 reached
ATTENTION! pax archive volume change required.
REady for archive volume: 1
Input archive name or "." to quit pax
My second on (/mnt/vax/binary/sets/games.tgz was accessible):
pax -f /mnt/vax/binary/sets/games.tgz
pax: Canot identify format. Searching ...
pax: Cpio file name length 27521 is out of range
pax: Invalid header, starrting vaild header search
pax: Cpio file name length 43326 is out of range
No core dump happened that way, because it was probably not the
same situation. Do you have any additional idea(s) ?
By the way, at the weekend I will try the tip with 1GB from Lord Isildur,
which sounds very promising to me.
regards Wolf
From: Jochen Kunz <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 16:54:20 +0200
Subject: Re: Install 1.6 iso on a VS3100/38
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On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 01:59:21PM +0200, Lehle Wolf wrote:
> Everything went fine (base.tgz, etc.tgz,
> comp.tgz were unpacked).=20
OK. You have enough "system" on your disk to boot from it.=20
Is the disk bootable?=20
If not boot from the install CDROM, exit install to a shell
and install the boot blocks:
disklabel -B sd0
(if this still works)
or use installboot:
installboot /dev/rsd0a /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffs
Make sure that there is a /boot or /boot.vax in the root-fs.
If not copy it from /usr/mdec.
(From memory, I may be wrong. Read the disklabel and installboot=20
man pages via the web interface on
Or boot the install kernel with the option "-a", redirect it to=20
mount "sd0a" when you are asked and install boot blocks...
> But suddenly
> segmentation fault core dumped
> command
> pax -zrvpe -f /mnt//vax/binary/sets/games.tgz
This should not happen. If you got the machine booting from the
disk, try extracting games.tgz again. If it still fails please=20
save the core dump for further debuging. Maybe you can do a=20
gdb pax pax.core
and then give it the command "bt".
-----Original Message-----
From: Jochen Kunz []
Sent: Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2002 16:54
Subject: Re: Install 1.6 iso on a VS3100/38
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