Subject: Re: Sigh, will DSSI disks *ever* work with NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Stanley Reynolds <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/22/2002 12:03:33
> You got better performance over the 3.3MB/sec
> qbus than an CPU-based
> controller? That's one I'd have to see for myself,
> I think.
Yes, we did benchmarks on both random and sequential
reads of large and small blocks. We also did
benchmarks on CPU performance. We also ran a mix of
benchmarks to measure CPU utilization, there was no
question that the DSSI disk were slower and showed no
advantage. I don't know what we did with the extra
drives but we didn't ship them to customers. The disk
we used were ESDI not SCSI I think they were Maxtor
4380's we also had about the same result with Dialog
(maybe 696) controllers. I liked the Dialog better but
don't remember why.
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