Subject: RE: MV3100 vs VS3100 for NetBSD use.....
To: None <>
From: Antonio Carlini <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/03/2002 00:17:54
>scsi controllers. That will maximize speed, on
>the older hardware (until I find that mystical
>4000-705A thingie....(:+}}...), and maximize the
I'm sure you know that the VAX 4000 series are a tad bigger
than the cases you have now - and as such are probably
unsuitable door prize fodder :-) In terms of VUPs/m^3 they
may well be worse than the systems you have now !
A VAXstation 4000-90A works well (a -96 would work even
better :-( ) but you are limited to a single SCSI chain
on those (IIRC).