Subject: Re: Whineyvax
To: None <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/03/2002 14:58:25
On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 01:00 PM, wrote:
> My 4000/200 does not whine.  Possibly you may
> have some fan problems?  I have several suns
> that developed whines (VME crates with lots of
> fans).  The cure was to gently open up the fan
> bearing by poking a tiny hole in the cover label
> and injecting some WD40 or lube of some sort.
> Does the whine sound like motor bearings or like
> a digital noise of some sort?

   As I understand it, this whining sound is trace resonance and is 
often associated with memory address & data buses.  I've had many 
machines that do this...the loudest was my old IMSAI 8080 with a CCS 
Z80 CPU board...when it was "thinking" it'd make sqeuaky-whiny sounds 
that coincided with particular patterns on the front panel LEDs.   It 
was fascinating.


Dave McGuire                 "You don't have Vaseline in Canada?"
St. Petersburg, FL                     -Bill Bradford