Subject: Re: [by now well off topic] RE: Whineyvax
To: None <jamesg@PARRIMARK.COM.AU,>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/03/2002 23:41:58
Golly, we be dating ourselves, here, with hard
copy printers. Back when I was running a lot
of 15/19/28/32/33/37/40 ttys, we used ribbon reinkers,
regularly, and I recall extending the life of
the ribbons by oiling them with something like
WD40, or light machine oil. Using a model 40
chain printer off a VAX might still be fun,
albeit noisey as the dickens..... Somewhere I
still have a box of ribbons for those machines
(they fit decwriters, too).
Enuf fun dredging up the ancient dayz.....(:+\\
It makes me feel older than that hills....