Subject: Re: VS2000 db50 external drive cable --- can old sun3 cable be used?
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/05/2003 20:23:54
Being not the timid kind..... I tried the sun 3 scsi cable.
It works! The silly box has 6mb of ram and the two
RD54's, and tk50. Not much of a box, but something
to try to use as the slowest vax in the world.....(:+}}...
(Actually, at 0.9 vup, it will be similar to a KA630, from
what I can tell, and not as slow as an 11/750 or 11/730).
Does anyone know which garden varieties of NetBSD
are actually known to boot from tk50 and work on an
MFM VS2000 crate? I remember there was a time
when that capability was lost, not too long ago.
Also, what is the status of using other than the tk50z
(i.e., scsi HD's) on the scsi bus of the 2000 crate?
Anyone actually running an MV/VS 2000 box?
Bob Keys