Subject: Re: Observations on NetBSD VAX on old machines.....
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/09/2003 01:51:47
>> You can run three RAM boards?
> The MVIII upgrade came with a 4 connector cable to run 3 x 8M + CPU
> for a 24M system (and then 48M with 3 x 16M)
And that works with a MVII? That's good news; I would not have
expected the bus to Just Work with more devices than it's designed for.
But then, the KA630 dates from the era when DEC overdesigned heavily.
Would I be correct to assume that it will Just Work to take a piece of
50-pin ribbon cable and attach four connectors to it? Maybe add two
connectors to a stub SCSI cable swiped from a SPARC? Or is there
something magic about the cable itself? (I note the connectors are
physically compatible with SCSI 50-pin ribbon cable connectors of the
old SE flavor....)
That would push me to 13M...maybe not 16, but better than 9. :) And if
I can score an 8M board somewhere, that _will_ push me to 16.
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