Subject: Re: KA630 RAM
To: None <>
From: Anthony Anderberg <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/09/2003 23:18:11
> What failure does "?6" indicate?
> Are you _sure_ the KA630 is supposed to work with three boards of RAM?
I don't know nearly as much about these things as other
people on this list, but I do have a KA630 (in a BA123-A),
and perhaps more importantly I have an original manual.
The KA630-A has 1MB of RAM onboard and supports two
MS630 memory modules. It also has 64K of boot/diag ROM.
One CPU and two memory modules are supported in the first
four slots because the C and D rows (bottom two) in those slots
have a separate local memory interconnect (no mention why
there are 4 slots to support a maximum of 3 cards...)
Backplane Grant Continuity supports the top half of slots
1-4, then 5-top, 5-bottom, 6-bottom, 6-top, 7-top, ect.
According to my manual there are three memory card versions:
M7607-AA - 1MB
M7608-AA - 2MB
M7608-BA - 4MB
but I have two 8MB cards that are an after-market part
made by Camintonn, part number CMX-830. A quick search
using Google even turned up a few for sale... that's probably
your best bet.
BTW: with two 8MB cards installed the 1MB of RAM on the
CPU gets disabled for so we don't exceed our 24-bit RAM
address limit.
LED Status 6 means there was a failure during RAM memory
address tests. Here's the full list I typed up a while back:
I also just noticed that the manuals are online:
Hope this helps...