Subject: 3-RAM-board KA630 report
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/11/2003 18:07:14
For those of you who are following the saga of my attempts to use three
boards of RAM with a KA630, a discussion with a friend yesterday
brought up another possibility: that slot 4's CD interconnect is toast
in my backplane.
I moved the CPU up to slot 2 and used RAM in slots 3 and 4, with slot 1
empty. Worked fine.
You may recall that I had a number of CPU boards that failed POST, one
that passed POST and booted with 5M, and one that passed POST and
wouldn't boot. I've added debugging code and I find that the one that
wouldn't boot sees only 5M anyway, so I doubt I'll bother chasing down
the details of why it's walking into the istack redzone.
The person who contacted me off-list wrote back saying he couldn't at
the time, but would open up his BA123 and look. I haven't heard back
since, but that was only a day or so ago, so I don't think that means
anything except that he hasn't had time to rearrange computers (a
problem I can certainly relate to). For the time being, though, I'm
going to operate under the assumption that my KA630s, at least, just
can't do three boards of RAM.
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