Subject: Re: NS638 RAM
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/24/2003 19:31:33
>> ... BA123[%] ...
>> [%] Do I have the BA numbers right?
> the ba123 is a little r2d2-looking box with four casters and i think
> 14 slots of qbus on the back, and room for four rd53/rd54/tk50's in
> front.
> the ba23 is a 4U box (once you take it out of the plastic clamshell)
> with a 7-slot qbus and room for two rd53/rd54/tk50's in front.
> the ba213 is more or less a ba123 turned sideways, so that the wide
> part has card edges. the dssi-style drives go in the top, facing the
> same way as the card edges. better power and cooling than the ba213,
> and better i/o connectors (they're bolted to the cards, so no
> separate bulkheads.)
Hm, now I'm not sure *what* I've got.
My VAX-on-wheels cabinets have four drive bays, but inserting a drive
into one involves moving it front-to-back. Inserting a Qbus card means
moving it right-to-left, as viewed from the front of the machine. And
I/O connectors are bolted to little "knockout" (actually, "unscrew and
remove blank plate") spaces such that they face the back of the
machine. There are four spaces of about 2¼ by 3¼ inches (suitable for
a KA630 connector-and-switch panel, or four serial ports on eg a
DHV11), one space about 5 by 3¼ inches with a brace that when installed
divides it into two more 2¼x3¼ spaces, and four narrow slots suitable
for DEQNA AUI-and-fuse panels.
Four Q/CD slots and eight Q/Q slots. There's a 13th slot that is not
part of the Qbus (I think it has just power) and is not inside the
inner metal cage that surrounds the Qbus; it is apparently designed for
a signal breakout board for RD/RX controllers.
This sounds like a BA123 in terms of drive and I/O connector mounting
but a BA213 in terms of Qbus card positioning.
I'm Confused. :-/
I have two of them. The one I can easily check on has a sticker
showing "Model: DH-630Q4-E2".
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