Subject: Installing NetBSD on VAXstation 3100M76
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List: port-vax
Date: 04/14/2003 11:10:06
Booting from CDROM in DKA600, installation starts (maps mamory) then CPU halts
indecates that NetBSD should run on this machine but doesn't give any indecation which version will work (I'm using 1.6).
The hardware is OK, passes power on tests with no errors or warnings, suspect that the problem may be that the CDROM is on SCSI-B (remember reading something somewhere) but would like to be sure that -
a. It should work.
b. Moving the CDROM to SCSI-A will fix the problem..
Many thanks (please reply to this post e-mail address with held as an anti spam measure!)
Hardware - M76 GPX 20Mb DKA100 RZ25 DKA300 RZ23 DKB300 Generic 1Gb DKB600 Toshiba CDROM (RRD44)
KA42 v1.2