Subject: Re: KFQSA problem
To: None <>
From: M J Dowden <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/04/2003 08:31:45
At 1:51 PM +0200 6/4/2003, Jochen Kunz wrote:
>[...] Do you want to boot from a SCSI
>drive or a drive on the KFQSA? Is there a TQK[57]0 in that box or
>comes the tape controller from the CMD SCSI controller?
I was hoping to boot from a CD and use it to install NetBSD onto
an RF72. I'd use the RF72 as the boot disk from that point on.
>Pull the KFQSA and CMD SCSI controller cards.
>Do "sh dev" and "sh q".
>Plug in the CMD SCSI controller and no other cards.
>Unconfigure all drives from it that are not pysically present.
Would I do that from the console or from the MMJ jack on the CMD card?
>Do "sh dev" and "sh q".
>Plug in the KFQSA only and no other cards.
>Unconfigure all drives from it that are not pysically present.
I assume that I'd do that by entering
and then "clearing" each item, correct?
>Do "sh dev" and "sh q".
>Then you can see what card uses what CSRs.
>If you want the CMD for primary controller leave it like it is,
>reconfigure the KFQSA and vice versa.
Thanks very kindly. I'll get to work on this.
Best regards,
Mike Dowden
M J Dowden <>
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