Subject: Re: 1.6.1 compilation problem
To: Blaz Antonic <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/15/2003 10:44:06
At 04:51 PM 6/15/2003, Blaz Antonic wrote:
> > It bails out almost immediately after start with Fatal Error in subr.S
> > line 597 "PIC reference to Sysmap is indirect". I never got this message
> > on 3100 (with 1.6), my kernel config file is pretty straightforward
> > (almost everything non-VS4k excluded).
>Can some gnu as/VAX guru please tell me what the difference between
>ashl    $9,*Sysmap[%r0],%r0;

PC-Relative indirect.

>ashl    $9,Sysmap[%r0],%r0;


>is ? The former is output of gcc compiled kernel source(s) that comes
>with 1.6.1 and cannot be assembled, assembler bails out with already
>mentioned "PIC reference to Sysmap is indirect" error ? The latter is
>not the output of compiler but at least assembler doesn't choke on it.
>I can't possibly imagine that nobody has been able to build 1.6.1 VAX
>kernel on 1.6.1 system so far and seeing how fresh-from-ftp installation
>doesn't work is very frustrating.

The kernel is usually compiled -mno-asm-pic so that the *Sysmap is allowed.
Is that being done?

Matt Thomas               Internet:
3am Software Foundry      WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA             Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message