Subject: Re: NetBSD/vax 2.0 X woes
To: None <>
From: Anders Hjalmarsson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/29/2005 00:23:33
> On VS4000/90 with locally recompiled kernel the X base clients are  
> working on remote XFree86 4.3.0 server (debian alpha-linux). here is a  
> little summary:
> xlogo: OK
> xeyes: Illegal instruction (core dumped)
> xmessage: OK
> xterm: OK
> xclock -digital: OK
> xclock -analog: opens window but doesn't draw anywthing
> twm: OK

The xeyes problem is probably the same as this:

I tried xeyes on simh  and a statically linked one seemed to work,
a dynamically linked on gets SIGSEGV.
Same behaviour for the dynamic on a KA41-A (SIGSEGV),
I turned it off before compiling the static version so no data on that,
but probably it would have worked.
