Subject: Re: Does anyone have the specs for wiring DEC MMJs
To: Gregg C Levine <>
From: Jan-Benedict Glaw <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/23/2005 17:47:21
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On Wed, 2005-02-23 11:42:11 -0500, Gregg C Levine <hansolofalcon@worldnet.a=>
wrote in message <002601c519c6$a3028ec0$6401a8c0@who5>:
> As of two days ago, I now have here a VAX Station 3100 Model 76. It

Nice. (Um, I don't type in the sentence I was about to hack in right
here, right now :-)

> That being stated, I was able to identify the ports on the machine's
> back, and naturally the serial port is a DEC MMJ. Now the question:
> Does anyone have the specifications for wiring a DEC MMJ? I have a
> computer who's wearing the usual serial port on his back, and I need
> to create a cable that's got an RS232 connector on one end and a DEC
> MMJ on the other. Incidentally the computer who will be posing as the
> console will be a Compaq Portable III.

I've got a sheet of paper at home, if nobody else sends the wiring
diagram, you'll get it from me in about 45min.


Jan-Benedict Glaw    . +49-172-7608481             =
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