Subject: To the gentleman and others wondering what CD-ROM's might work with DIGITAL systems, here is a list I came across today.
To: None <>
From: Richard Tomkins <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/09/2005 00:11:51
Just came across this nice chart of CD-ROMS that work with DIGITAL =

Hope it's usefull.

Inofficial and incomplete list of third party cdroms that work with =


This list is maintained by Dennis Grevenstein. email contact info is
"" You can find an up to date version of this =

I. Introduction

The question "what cdrom will work with my old DEC?" is heard often. The
problem is that non-x86 workstations and especially DEC's will normally =
special cdroms that support special features. Many vendors released =
own branded cdroms for their hardware. But you will have to pay much =
money to get a slow DEC branded cdrom for your workstation than for a =
modern or a real cheap old standard cdrom drive. So here is some sort of =
answer for all who are looking for a third party cdrom for a DEC
workstation. If the list gets longer(I hope so), I may release a html

II. Some general information.

As most Unix workstations, DEC's will need a cdrom that is capable of
reading 512 bytes/sector, but most PC style cdrom's can only read 2048
bytes/sector. Often there is a jumper to enable this mode. If not, the =
must support the "MODE SELECT" command that is send by the PROM to =
the 512 bytes/sector mode. But often, even if a cdrom supports all of =
above and can be used with other workstation platforms e.g. Sun and SGI, =
cdrom will not work with DEC hardware.

III. drives that are known to work.

I decided to differentiate between VAX, MIPS based DECstations and Alpha
based workstations because of some irregularities. The Alpha section is
pretty small right now and Alphas should be compatible with cdroms in =
VAX or DECstation section, but a general rule could be: If a drive is =
listed as working in your category, don't get it. Sometimes cdroms are
tested with more than one version of an OS. In these cases the oldest
version that was bootet or installed succesfully is listed.


Vendor   model #      operating system    hardware tested
Apple    CD300e       VMS                 VAXstation, Infoserver
HP       C2944D       OpenVMS 6.2         uVAX 3100, VAXstation 4000/90,
                                          4000/60, 4000/VLC
Note:    Did not work with a VAXstation 3100/40. Be careful!
Matsushita CR-506-B   VMS-5.5-2           VAXstation 3100/30
NEC     Multispin 3xi OpenVMS 7.2         VAX 4000/300
Panasonic CR506B      VMS                 VAXstation 4000/90
Pioneer  DR-U124X     OpenVMS 7.2         uVAX 3100/80
Pioneer  DR-U06S      OpenVMS 6.1         various VAX
Pioneer  DR-U12X      OpenVMS 7.2         uVAX 3100/30
Pioneer  DR-466       OpenVMS 7.1         VAXstation 3100/30
Plextor  12/20        OpenVMS 7.2         uVAX 3100/80
Plextor  PX-63CS      OpenVMS 7.2         VAXstation 3100/30
Plextor  PX-32TSi     OpenVMS 7.1         uVAX3100, VAXstation 4000/60
                                          VAXstation 4000/90
Sony     CDU541       VMS                 VAXstation 4000/90
Sony     CDU561       Ultrix 4.5          uVAX 3100
Sony     CDU-8012B    OpenVMS 7.2         VAXstation 4000/90
Note: There is a Sun OEM Version of this drive too.
Toshiba  XM-4101B     OpenVMS 7.3	  VAXstation 3100
Note: OEMed by DEC as RRD43-AA
Toshiba  XM-6401B     OpenVMS 6.1         various VAX
Toshiba  XM-5701TA    OpenVMS 7.1         VAXstation 3100
Toshiba  XM-5701B     OpenVMS 6.1         various VAX
Toshiba  XM-5401      OpenVMS 6.2         various VAX
Toshiba  XM-3401B  OpenVMS 7.1,Ultrix 4.5  VAXstation 3100/30
Toshiba  TXM-3401E1   OpenVMS 7.2         VAXstation 4000/90
Note:    Has problems reading hand made CD-R's
Toshiba  XM-3301B     VMS                 uVAX 3100
Toshiba  XM-3201B     OpenVMS 7.2         various VAX
Toshiba  TXM-3301E1   OpenVMS 7.2         various VAX

III.2   DECstations

DECstations seem to be really tricky, especially if you want to install
Ultrix. Normally Ultrix/MIPS can only be installed using an original DEC
cdrom. Typically your DECstation will boot of a compatible cdrom, but =
install programm will crash. If it is not compatible with a DECstation =
boot will fail completely. I can't say much about NetBSD, but my DR-466 =
not work with NetBSD 1.4.1 at all, but works fine with NetBSD 1.5. Other
people said that some older Toshiba cdroms work with VAXen, but not with

Vendor   model #      operating system    hardware tested
Matsushita CR-503     NetBSD 1.4.1        DECstation 5000/260
Plextor  PX-12CSi     NetBSD 1.5          DECstation 5000/133
Plextor  PX-32TSi     NetBSD              DECstation 5000/33
Pioneer  DR-466       NetBSD 1.5          DECstation 5000/150
Sony     CDU-8012    Ultrix 4.2 and 4.5   DECstation 5000/260, 5000/150
Note: Sun OEM Version Model 411           DECstation 2100

The old Sun model 411 cdrom seems to be special. It can be used to =
Ultrix/RISC and it is sometimes even detected as a DEC RRD42. However, =
it is
not any cheaper than a DEC branded cdrom when bought used.

III.3   Alpha

There seems to be a special problem with older Plextor cdroms, even if =
work with VAXen. Be careful.

Vendor   model #      operating system    hardware tested
Apple    CD300e       VMS                 DEC3000
NEC    Multispin 4Xi  OpenVMS 7.2         Multia
Pioneer  DR-U06S      OpenVMS 7.1         various Alpha
Pioneer  DR-466       OSF1 3.2            DEC3000
Plextor  PX-40TSi     VMS                 Multia,Alphastation 200
Teac     CDR58S   OSF1 3.2,OpenVMS 7.2    DEC3000,AlphaServer1000A
Note:    8X CD-writer
Toshiba  XM-5401      OpenVMS 6.2         various Alpha
Toshiba  XM-5701B     OpenVMS 7.1         various Alpha
Toshiba  XM-6401TA    OpenVMS 6.2         PWS500au, Alphastation =
Toshiba  XM-6401B     OpenVMS 7.1         various Alpha, EXCEPT DEC =
Toshiba  XM-3201      OpenVMS 7.2         various Alpha
Toshiba  TXM-3301E1   OpenVMS 7.2         various Alpha

IV. Other resources

The Sun cdrom FAQ may be useful. It provides some general information,
allthough this FAQ does not care, if a cdrom works with DEC hardware.

V. thanks, suggestions and all the other things...

Many thanks to all who contributed to build up this list.
This list is by no means complete. So if you have ever used a non-DEC =
that is not shown here with a DEC workstation, please send some =
to "". If you have other suggestions or complains,
feel free to mail them too.

Regards, Richard Tomkins

Regards, Richard Tomkins