Subject: Re: VS 3100 SPX (SPGFX) testers wanted
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/25/2005 15:51:54
>> I think I have a QDSS around, however, I don't have any Q-bus VAXen
>> running right now. But maybe at a later date.
> Yeah well ... it's one odd beast, I think it's far less common than
> the rest of the graphics boards. It also seems that the further back
> I go (= the older the board is) the uglier the POST code is ... and
> i'm dissasembling that stuff to figure out how things work since
> there's no documentation.
I have a MicroVAX-II that came my way with some two-board framebuffer;
I think it's a QDSS or QVSS, but am not sure. When I get home tonight
I should be able to dig it out and check (I pulled those boards and put
them aside in antistatic protection, pending a reason to use them).
I don't think I have a DEC monitor for it, though. How possible is it
to cobble up something to use it with a "modern" multisync peecee tube?
(I suppose I should wait to ask this until I can say what kind of
framebuffer it really is....)
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