Subject: Re: rescued microvax ii and cdc fsd disk yesterday
To: None <>
From: Kim Hawtin <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/02/2007 07:22:25
Dave McGuire wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2007, at 11:27 AM, der Mouse wrote:
>> (I don't find the MicroVAX-II pinout where I'd expect to, but I think
>> it's not the same as the peecee DE-9 serial pinout.)
> It's not. Here is the pinout of the MicroVAX-II console connector:
> 1 chassis ground
> 2 TxD
> 3 RxD
> 4 RTS
> 5 DTR
> 6 DSR
> 7 signal ground
> 8 (connected to pin 9)
> 9 (connected to pin 8)
i spent several hours digging through boxes to find the 9pin to mmj
connector and mmj to mmj cable and mmj to 25 pin connector, which made
no difference.
at which point i removed the rear plate and reseated every qbus card
and socketed cable and now have have output on my terminal with
so i issued a boot, but i get a fail and retry ...
need to figure out whats going on with the disk drive now =)
do earlier KA630's not know; 'show dev' or 'help'
in their firmware a the >>> prompt?
thanks with the help guys