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Re: multiple vax 6000's free to a good home

  My take would be a maximum of One, however
  I'm not an EE.  Can you reccomend a URL to instructions
  to convert the power supply?  I've heard of at least one person
  who has done such a conversion, possibly to their 240/normal
  phase circuit.
John Allain

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lord Isildur" <mrfusion%vaxpower.org@localhost>
To: <port-vax%netbsd.org@localhost>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 6:30 PM
Subject: multiple vax 6000's free to a good home

greetings all,

a contact at the pittsburgh supercomputing center passed word to me that
they are about to junk several vax6000's. They were recently running,
but have apparently something funny with the main power supplies. This
part comes to me secondhand so i dont know if the 'something funny' is
that they take 3-phase ;)
i just asked to get some more details about them, ill post more when i
learn. The machines are located in pittsburgh, pa, and i would assume
that there is a loading dock and moving the machines out of the building
should be pretty easy.
anyone interested, please get in touch with me!

happy hacking,

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