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Re: VAX sin/cos/atan2 vs polyd (Was: Does anyone have a netbsd-5 or earlier VAX to hand?)

Apologies for following up and spamming the list - but does anyone
have a netbsd-5 or earlier Rigel, Mariah, or (ideally) NVAX baxed
VAX on which they could run the original sintest.c (which just
prints out the value of sin(1))

My 4000/90a prints out the same thing running netbsd-5 (test=0.841471). Isn't Mariah the same general family as the 4000/30 (VLC)? I don't remember...

Given NetBSD should be emulating polyd, and all that looks to be
enabled in NetBSD-6, we're down to potentially something that did
work and now does not...

I'll be setting up a 4000/60 in anticipation of running a bulk pkgsrc build on it for NetBSD 6; until NetBSD 6 is closer to being ready, we can use that all we want for testing.


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