On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 09:02:31AM -0700, Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm wrote:
I'm not 100% sure what you want here.
Heh - my notebook runs warm whenever simh sits idle at the (guest OS)
console prompt. I want it to run cooler.
When a simulated clock tick happens, other
potential sources of external events are polled to determine if data
has arrived. These include console and/or other simulated multiplexer
and network input. So, the console and any other configured
multiplexer devices will be polled 100 times a second.
It might just happen to not work well with NetBSD cpu stats sampling, or
there might be a bug - I haven't investigated more closely. top shows
one cpu 100% busy, but that may be a missampling.
Anyway, I just wondered why it did not use blocking io and threads, and you
answered that - looking forward to newer versions.