On 16/04/14 3:03 PM, John Klos wrote:
Hi, I'm still puzzled by one thing that perhaps someone could explain. The Dhrystone benchmark from pkgsrc should be pretty consistent due to its
Oh, also, DHRYSTONE IS A TERRIBLE AWFUL BENCHMARK, and mostly discredited. Its problem is that it is TOO simple, i.e. wildly subject to the behaviour of particular operations rather than a good mix, and easily gamed (many vendors did).
Please find a better integer benchmark (I came to like fhourstones, but I am not sure how much of a better mix that represents). Most hardware benchmark papers publish at least half a dozen different benchmarks in order not to be skewed by Dhrystone-type effects.
simplicity. However, my 4000/30 (VLC) with NetBSD 6, which by many sources is supposed to be 5 VUPs or so, only reports 2109 runs per second, which is only about 1.2 times faster than the runs per second of an 11/780. A 4000/60, which is supposed to be about 12 VUPs, gives 16305 runs/sec, which is about 9.2 times faster than an 11/780. Why is this? Is there some issue which makes code too large to run inside of the CVAX SOC's 6k of cache? Is anyone running NetBSD 1.5 or another old version who could get some more numbers? John