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Re: Problems netbooting

Well, I cannot access the ftp server this morning, but IIRC the booting
section only had boot, and initfs

I made the assumption that boot was the same as boot.mop so perhaps
therin lies my problem. When you 'assume' you make an 'ass' out of 'u'
and 'me'!

I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me yours!



Nigel Johnson, MSc., MIEEE, VE3ID/G4AJQ/VA3MCU
Amateur Radio, the origin of the open-source concept!
Skype: TILBURY2591 nw.johnson%ieee.org@localhost

On 25/08/2020 01:15, Mouse wrote:
>>> but the boot file is an ELF file.
>> The NetBSD mopd can deal with ELF files, but for some others you need
>> to convert the binary to a.out (using e.g. objcopy).
> I don't know whether it's still true of recent NeBSD, but as of 1.4T
> (the latest I've tried to run on a VAX), building boot also builds
> boot.mop, which in my (limited) experience is just what's needed.
> Might be worth looking for.  I can send you mine, if you like, but it's
> old enough I don't know whether it'll work for you.
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