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Re: qe0: xmit logic died, resetting...

Den 2023-09-17 kl. 18:56, skrev Paul Koning:

On Sep 16, 2023, at 8:24 PM, Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> wrote:

qe0: xmit logic died, resetting...
Well, I just got that...on an emulated machine.
What emulation?
My own.  I would cheerfully send anyone interested the DEQNA emulation
code, or indeed the whole thing - though I've never tried it on a stock
system, so _someone_ should probably test it on stock NetBSD.  I'll try
to dig up some spare hardware to install a stock system on.
It would be interesting to see if it fails also in SIMH vax.

DEQNA was a notorious troublemaker, enough so that DEC gave up on it after 12 FCOs, and developed the LQA to replace it.  That one has essentially the same API but an entirely different internal design.
It's not unlikely that there is (still) bugs in the driver.
I know that on some machines this has plagued the cards forever, while others have never seen this problem.

It's very interesting if simh might suffer from it, then it would be possible to do a real debugging of the driver and find out exactly what is failing :-)

-- Ragge

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