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Re: Clock drift and other open issues: Collecting information

On 2023-12-27 09:55, Martin Husemann wrote:
On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 09:52:41AM +0100, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Are you sure it is synced? I haven't even seen how I could see that with
ntpq. I had to enable ntpdc to get more information, and there I can see
that it isn't syncing.
How are you telling that it is syncing?

"ntpq -p" lists all peers/servers and marks the synced ones with a *

Oh, it does? Well, since I don't get any syncing, I'm not seeing that. :-)
ntpdc would also show that, but it also shows a different character when not synced. ntpq just shows nothing, so I couldn't tell.

On my 4000/90, I can see that the offset moves around at every polling of ntp servers. It is basically moving between -.5 and +.5 all the time, even just between two polls. Which is quite a lot, and I don't understand how it can be that bad. But I would suspect that is the reason it never starts syncing. Dispersion is just too bad.

Also, output is slightly weird/different between ntpq and ntpdc.

Like this:

Gnat:/usr/src# ntpq -p
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
1.netbsd.pool.n .POOL. 16 p - 64 0 0.000 +0.000 1000.00 .NMEA. 1 u 54 64 377 1000.00 +329.96 1000.00 skitty.itu.ch 2 u 35 64 377 1000.00 +583.93 1000.00 delcatty.itu.ch 2 u 41 64 377 1000.00 +514.12 1000.00 time.sunrise.ne .GNSS. 1 u 65 64 377 1000.00 +274.12 1000.00 ntp3.home4u.ch 2 u 37 64 377 1000.00 +561.95 1000.00
Gnat:/usr/src# ntpdc -p
     remote           local      st poll reach  delay   offset    disp
=ntp3.home4u.ch     2   64  377 1.00000 +0.016987 0.99854
=time.sunrise.ne     1   64  377 1.00000 -0.183237 0.99855
=delcatty.itu.ch     2   64  377 1.00000 -0.114089 0.99854
=skitty.itu.ch     2   64  377 1.00000 -0.108027 0.99852
=     1   64  377 1.00000 -0.337411 0.99852
=         16   64    0 0.00000 +0.000000 4.00000

Not sure if anyone else sees something similar. (Note that delay seems to not work, and jitter in ntpq also seems to not work.)


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt%softjar.se@localhost             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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