Subject: [PORT-X68K] Pathces for 1.4.3 Year 2001 Problem
To: None <,>
From: MINOURA Makoto <>
List: port-x68k
Date: 01/23/2001 10:45:16
Sorry for multiposting.
I finally put the source patch for the well-known Year 2001
Problem of NetBSD/x68k at
and the mirrors.
The problem is that after the New Year's Day of 2001 NetBSD
cannot retrieve the correct date and time from the hardware
realtime clock (RTC).
If you are already running NetBSD-1.4.3, please recompile
your kernel after applying the patch (x68k-rtclock.diff) to
sys/arch/x68k/dev/rtclock.c, or, replace your kernel with
the patched one found at
and the mirrors.
If you plan to install NetBSD-1.4.3, please use boot.fs (or
boot.fs.gz) which can be found above to make the
installation boot floppy, or, use netbsd.INSTALL to boot the
installer from Human68k. The installer will not install the
patched kernels; please replace the kernel by yourself.
Sorry for inconvinience. We are now considering another
solution for this including releasing 1.4.3A snapshots.
Minoura Makoto <>