Subject: Re: [Fwd: Xen domain-U starting error]
To: None <>
From: Jed Davis <>
List: port-xen
Date: 07/02/2005 01:54:08
In article <>, haad <> wrote:
> Now it's starts fine(problem was in misc binaries i download and
> unpacked netbsd 3_beta but kernel build with make netbsd in xen-2.0
> directory was netbsd-2.0.2 )
> Now I have problem with mounting root filesystem
> this is from domainU conf file .
> disk=['file:/home/domain3_root,sd0a,w','file:/home/domain3_swap,sd0b,w' ]
> on linux machine i have made sd0a &sd0b devices with 6 0 and 6 1
> Max,Min numbers but when my machine boots sd0a or sd0b are unconfigured .
I believe that NetBSD will always ignore the provided device numbers and
present the virtual disks as instances of xbd (Xen Block Device), which
are disklabeled like any other kind of disk. This is done, for reasons
I don't yet understand, in the reverse of the order in which the disks
are listed in the config.
So the root device, given that config, would be /dev/xbd1d.
(A useful command here, BTW, is "sysctl hw.disknames".)
(let ((C call-with-current-continuation)) (apply (lambda (x y) (x y)) (map
((lambda (r) ((C C) (lambda (s) (r (lambda l (apply (s s) l)))))) (lambda
(f) (lambda (l) (if (null? l) C (lambda (k) (display (car l)) ((f (cdr l))
(C k))))))) '((#\J #\d #\D #\v #\s) (#\e #\space #\a #\i #\newline)))))