Subject: T1500 for sale
To: None <>
From: Chris Pinnock <>
List: regional-london
Date: 10/12/2004 16:06:12
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These are the thin clients from Compaq that run Linux by default. It
is possible to netboot a NetBSD kernel onto them (although you need
to use some modifications from Steve Woodford and build a kernel under
2 meg and add checksum on the end (discovered by Aymmeric and Gavan IIRC)
for the Compaq boot loader).
It has a PCMCIA socket, USB, 2 serial ports. It could potentially be
used as a base station.
In fact, this particular model was the first T1500 to boot NetBSD multi-user
on it. (The reason being that Steve had booted his single-user and had
to go out that evening. So I tried booting mine multi-user.)
Ideally someone needs to write a network boot loader that can grab a=20
bigger kernel.
20ukp - keyboard, mouse, Unit and power supply. Please note that I will
wavy the 20 notes if you can write the boot loader and add support to
the NetBSD tree for this box.
abs and Gavan have opened one up and have tales of woe to tell you about
the insides. :-)
Chris (E3AE C99C 0E4B 89CF DDCC FFF9 9683 2D39 D426 A42C)
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