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Fwd: [] Technical Meeting 2015-05-28 (28th May) @ Conway Hall

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Subject: [] Technical Meeting 2015-05-28 (28th May) @
Conway Hall
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 17:24:00 +0100
From: Sue Spence <>
Reply-To: Sue Spence <>

 I have reserved the Brockway Room at Conway Hall for our next technical
meeting. Please send your talk proposals to me
New speakers are especially encouraged to give a presentation. Slides are
encouraged but not required. for effortless
maps and calendar stuff.  Signup is not necessary but it does help me get
an idea how many of you are likely to attend.  Feel free to bring friends
and colleagues of course.

Proposed Talks:
- Peeping at go-faster stripes (Devel::GoFaster) by Zefram
- Intro to Perl 6 on MoarVM (installation, toolchain, examples translated
for Perl 5 programmers) by Sue

I'll keep adding to the list above as talk proposals appear in my inbox.

Our sponsor is once again Rick Deller of Eligo Recruitment. Please be sure
to thank him on the night.

After the talks we will go to The Enterprise pub (38 Red Lion Street WC1R
4PN) for a few drinks.

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