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Fwd: [oshug] OSHUG #59 — CHERI CPU, Adding Security to Compilers, Trust & Provenance in Open Data, Thursday 27th July.

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Subject: [oshug] OSHUG #59 - CHERI CPU, Adding Security to Compilers,
Trust & Provenance in Open Data, Thursday 27th July.
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 19:28:51 +0100
From: Andrew Back <>
Reply-To: Open Source Hardware User Group Discussion List <>
To: <>


Registration is now open for the fifty-ninth meeting, featuring talks on
trust and provenance in Open Data at GDS, adding security to compilers
(LADA project and SECURE project), extending a RISC ISA to add
capability enhancements for improved security (CHERI project).

A big thanks to Sevan Janiyan and Andy Bennett for arranging this meeting!

Details and registration link below.




OSHUG #59 - CHERI CPU, Adding Security to Compilers, Trust & Provenance
in Open Data.

On the 27 July 2017, 18:00 - 21:00 at BCS London, 1st Floor, The
Davidson Building, 5 Southampton Street, London, WC2E 7HA.


After a brief hiatus we return this month for an evening of talks on the
topics of trust and provenance in Open Data at GDS, adding security to
compilers (LADA project and SECURE project), extending a RISC ISA to add
capability enhancements for improved security (CHERI project).

- Trust and provenance in Open Data


- Adding security to compilers

Information leakage via side channels is a widely recognised threat to
cyber security. In particular small devices are known to leak
information through physical channels, i.e. power consumption,
electromagnetic radiation, and timing behaviour. Serveral implementation
techniques and countermeasures are arising nowadays against this kind of
threaths, but still only fully equipped testing labs with skilled people
can afford to test new implementations against leakage attacks. We will
focus on the information leakage due to timing behaviour and the
possibility of 'cache-based' timing attacks. Then we will discuss about
my work in the context of two projects (LADA project and SECURE project)
which aim at bringing the skill of a testing lab to the desk of a
developer of standard consumer devices, without the need for domain
specific knowledge through the development of open source compilers.

* Paolo Savini is an Intern Compiler Engineer at Embecosm Ltd working on
the SECURE Project, where he is helping to bring the next generation of
secure programming techniques to open source compilers. Prior to joining
Embecosm he cooperated with the LADA project at the University of
Bristol in order to explore the possility of creating compiler tools to
help improve implementation of cryptography. Paolo is currently
graduating at the University of Pavia (Italy), where he achieved a
Bachelor degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering.

- The CHERI CPU: Hardware-software co-design for security

This talk will introduce the CHERI CPU and associated C/C++ compiler
stack. Various design decisions in the project were made based on the
needs of programming languages to support real-world code and the
requirements of hardware implementation. The C specification is
intentionally vague and it would be very easy to create a conforming
implementation of the language if this were the only requirement, but a
C environment is only as good as the code that it runs. In the CHERI
project, we have investigated a number of common C idioms and ensured
that these can be supported by our hardware, while simultaneously
allowing fine-grained memory safety and coarser-grained
compartmentalisation of C programs.

* David Chisnall is a Senior Research Associate at the University of
Cambridge. His primary research interest is safe interoperability
between programming languages. Most recently, he has been working on
this in the context of the CHERI project, creating an implementation of
the C programming language that can be used safely in the same process
as languages with stricter safety guarantees. He presented a case study
of this, allowing Java and C code to coexist in the same process without
violating any of the JVM's safety and security guarantees at ASPLOS
earlier this year. David is an active open source contributor, having
been an LLVM committer since 2008, a member of the FreeBSD Core Team for
two successive terms, and the author / maintainer of widely deployed
Objective-C and C++ runtime libraries.

Note: Please aim to arrive by 18:15 as the event will start at 18:30 prompt.

Andrew Back

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